February 5, 2025

Jarod Stowman

Smart Tech Progress

When To Apply Reinforcement Learning


Reinforcement learning is a subset of Machine Learning that relies on rewards and punishments to find optimal solutions. The best way to understand reinforcement learning is through examples, so let’s start with some of the classic RL problems. The classic RL problems include Atari games, board games, toy robots, Wikipedia article classification and so on.

When To Apply Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that relies on rewards and punishments to find optimal solutions.

Reinforcement Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that relies on rewards and punishments to find optimal solutions. It is used for tasks like playing video games, solving puzzles and navigating mazes. In reinforcement learning, an agent performs actions in its environment (which we’ll call the world). The agent receives feedback about how well those actions worked out in terms of maximizing reward or minimizing punishment over time.

The goal of the agent is to maximize its total reward over long periods of time by choosing appropriate actions at each step based on this feedback from its experiences in the past–this process is called policy optimization because it involves finding an optimal policy for selecting between different possible behaviors given your current state (or “policy”).

The best way to understand reinforcement learning is through examples, so let’s start with some of the classic RL problems.

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that uses rewards and punishments to train an agent to achieve a goal. The best way to understand reinforcement learning is through examples, so let’s start with some of the classic RL problems.

  • Problem: How can we get a computer or robot to learn how to play games like Chess, Go or Tetris?
  • Solution: Use rewards and punishments! For example, if you want your agent (the thing being trained) to learn how to play chess then give it points when it makes good moves, take away points when it makes bad moves and make sure there’s always an incentive for making good decisions by keeping track of all these scores over time so they can be added up later on when needed (this technique is called delayed reward).

The classic RL problems include Atari games, board games, toy robots, Wikipedia article classification and so on.

The classic RL problems include Atari games, board games and toy robots. These are interesting because they involve complex environments that can be simulated.

In addition to these problems being interesting from a research perspective, they also have a lot of real-world applications. For example:

  • Board games are used for robotic planning and control (e.g., chess).
  • Atari games are used to train artificial neural networks or deep learning algorithms in computer vision tasks such as object classification (e.g., Atari Pong).

In summary: if you’re interested in working on problems related to reinforcement learning or artificial intelligence then consider looking into these classic RL problems!

It’s not always clear when you should use reinforcement learning compared to other techniques like supervised and unsupervised learning

Reinforcement learning is great for when you have a lot of data and want to learn from it. It’s not always clear when you should use reinforcement learning compared to other techniques like supervised and unsupervised learning, but RL can be applied in situations where there are many examples of desired outcomes that you want the AI system to achieve.

To illustrate this point, let’s consider an example: imagine that we’re building an automated car-driving system (which we’ll call “ACD”). In order to get ACD up and running as quickly as possible, we might initially train it using supervised methods like gradient descent or backpropagation through time (BPTT). These approaches require us first hand-labeling each image with its correct classification label before feeding them into our neural network model; once this process is complete–and assuming we have ample computing power–we can then begin training our network on those labeled images until its accuracy reaches acceptable levels.


We’ve covered the basics of reinforcement learning and some of its applications. It’s not always clear when you should use reinforcement learning compared to other techniques like supervised and unsupervised learning. However, there are situations where RL can be very useful because it allows us to build systems that adapt over time without explicit instructions on how they should behave in every situation.