February 6, 2025

Jarod Stowman

Smart Tech Progress

What Is Edge Computing And Why Does It Matter?


In today’s tech-savvy world, it’s hard to imagine a time when people didn’t carry around an always-on device that could access the internet whenever they needed it. In fact, “always-on” has become such a key part of modern life that many people can’t even remember how annoying it was before mobile phones and Wi-Fi became ubiquitous. But what if there were another way? What if we could take all of those algorithms and data processing out of centralized servers and put them on edge devices near us instead? That’s exactly what edge computing is: moving cloud computing to the edge of our networks so that we can process more locally, faster than ever before!

What Is Edge Computing And Why Does It Matter?

What is edge computing?

Edge computing is a new way of delivering applications and services. It’s a way of processing data closer to the source, which can reduce latency (the time it takes for a message to be sent from one place to another). This is an alternative to cloud computing, where all your information is stored in one central location that you access from any device.

Edge computing allows you to store your data closer to where it’s needed–on devices themselves or within close proximity–so that users get faster response times when accessing information from their smartphones or smart homes.

It’s also becoming increasingly important because there are more devices connected online than ever before: by 2020 there will be over 50 billion internet-connected devices worldwide!

How does edge computing work?

Edge computing is a distributed computing model in which the cloud is at the center of the network and edge devices are at its periphery. The edge can be any device or group of devices–from a single sensor to millions of mobile phones–and it’s where data processing, analysis and storage occur.

Edge computing allows companies to analyze real-time information right where it comes from rather than sending everything back to headquarters for processing. This means you can get answers faster than ever before!

Where is edge computing used?

Edge computing is used in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing and healthcare. It’s also used in smart cities, connected vehicles and smart homes.

In the Internet of Things (IoT), edge devices send data back to the cloud when they’re not able to store it locally or process it themselves. This can happen when there aren’t enough resources available on-site–for example if an industrial robot is busy making something–or when bandwidth limitations make it impossible for large amounts of information to be sent over long distances at once.

Benefits of edge computing

When you use edge computing, your application has more resources to work with. This means it can perform better and run faster while reducing latency, network traffic and cost. Edge computing also improves security by allowing you to keep sensitive data in the cloud where it’s safer than being transmitted over an unsecured network connection.

Edge computing brings the cloud closer to you.

Edge computing is a distributed computing model that brings cloud services closer to the end user. It’s used to reduce latency and improve security, as well as improve resiliency in case of failure.

Edge computing refers to processing data on or near the edge of a network (or “fog”), rather than sending it all back to a centralized location like a data center or cloud service provider. You can think of it as bringing your cloud services closer to you–for example, if you’re using an online calculator app on your phone but need help with trigonometry problems at school, edge computing would allow that app access directly from its own servers without having them pass through someone else’s first (which might slow down their response time).


The future is bright for edge computing, and we’re excited to see where it goes. As you’ve seen in this article, the technology has a wide range of applications and benefits that make it an attractive option for companies looking to improve their operations and customer experiences.